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Original english version, 1h33m



"This is one of the most beautiful, artful

                    film encounters I have ever experienced.                    

Your work is Essence-touching medicine."


                                                                                                                 (Heide Clelland-Sauer)





if possible please watch in full / big screen

use headphones or good sound system for full quality and immersion






A note about the Soul Journey


The Soul Journey is a film-meditation filmed between 2016 and 2019; I started it while living in a caravan in wilderness, in a forest of cork trees. This nomadic journey started as a real life experience of uncertainty, a reflection on our world's transitions, a presencing of Nature, a contemplation on grief, loss and the impermanence of Life.


I travelled as a means to meditate


embodying the space-in-between, embracing change, in this time of personal and global transitions, the age of interbeing. I was like a pilgrim on the road with my heart wide opened, and many people welcomed me with generosity and kindness.


When I started my Soul journey I didn't know I would make a film and write two books but indeed this travelling meditation turned into images, sounds and words.


Travelling like clouds is the companion book to the film, bringing stories of the inner and outer journey. The depths of stillness was written after the film was complete, during the pandemic while living in a hut immersed in Nature; it dives into new depths while planting the garden of the soul. Both books are available to buy (see link below)


In all, an exercise to put things into perspective, a way to experiment, to look back on (my) Life, to unlearn, to heal, to integrate, to embody, as a way to create space to allow a new story to emerge.










website design, photos, videos by Claudia Tomaz. 2006-2022

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