4 sessions
"The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, animals,
and humans, or collectively: the land" (Leopold, 1949)
All members of the land community are equal
(Naess, 1979)
2015 - 2020
the Soul journey of an Earth protector
Wilderness and Nature wanders

tending for the Land
Care for Earth and Companion Planting
Wild wanders practices and
conversations with the more than human
"To pray, you open your whole self
to sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know that there is more
that you can't see, can't hear
Can't know, except in moments
steadily growing
and in languages that aren't always sound
But other circles of motion
like Eagle that Sunday morning
over Salt Lake
Circled in blue sky, in wind
Swept our hearts clean with sacred wings
We see you see ourselves
and know that we must take
the utmost care and kindness
In All things
Breathe in knowing
we are made of all of this"
excerpt of 'Eagle poem' by
Joy Harjo
Medicine garden
Flower essences and medicinal teas

2007 - 2015
from guerrilla gardening to permaculture and deep ecology

When I moved to London in 2007 I started growing herbs, tomatoes and flowers by the windows in my flat. Then I joined the Guerrilla gardening group in a few actions scattering sunflowers seeds around South London.
Guerrilla gardening is a direct action gardening practice, reclaiming land that is perceived to be in neglect or misused, without legal permission.
That was fun, sunflowers flowerished around town (pic on the right), it made the place look nicer and certainly put smiles on people's faces!
In 2012 I moved to a house with a garden. That was heaven to me, I had space to grow food and could take care of the plants over time. For nearly 4 years I grew herbs, flowers, tomatoes, salads, strawberries (see pics bellow). On the first summer in the house, I had an heart operation and spent a long time in stillness in the garden. I became one with the more-than-human, the plants, the trees, the animals (birds, a cat, squirrels, a fox, etc). I then started to find crystals, I found 4. The first one was a pink crystal, I sat down and hold it. I felt its powerful energy through me. When I looked it up I saw it relates with the heart. I then understood the universe was helping me to heal and we were not separate. The garden became my meditation place and my practice, I became intimate with all things. Later on, looking for sustainability and trying to understand this new spiritual connection and expansion, I studied Permaculture Design (see bellow) and came across the Deep Ecology movement. I joined a Deep ecology meditation group at the Buddhist Centre, where we gathered for a full day, listening deeply to Nature through meditative practices.
Deep ecology is an holistic approach to thinking, feeling, spirituality and action in the context of living systems. It involves seeing ourselves as a "not separate" part of the Earth, leading to a deeper connection with life, where the natural world is not other than who we are, and where we have a particular part to play. The Deep ecology movement is an environmental resistance movement that include philosophy and engaged political action in defense of the Earth, and applies its insights into everyday life.
It is living at one with the Earth and All beings. We are Nature.
Our garden, London 2012 - 2015

tree-friend through the seasons, as seen from the window

Meditating with tree-beings in new garden. autumn & winter 2015-2016

Meditations and rituals of connection with the Land community

nature as healer, a book of meditations
As part of my healing journeys and deep connection with Nature, I take photographs and film those moments of interbeing, insights and deep connection. I call them photo or video meditations.
I am designing a book compiling photographs, poems and musings of meditations and conversations with the more than human world

is an ethical and sustainable way of living that follows the principles of 'earth care, people care, fair shares'. It is a system of agricultural and social design centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems.
Dial House | introduction to permaculture 2013 with Graham Burnett

Landmatters, Devon | permaculture design course 2015 with Aranya

walk not in order to arrive, but just for the joy of walking
when we practice walking meditation beautifully, we massage the Earth with our feet and plant seeds of joy and happiness with each step.
Thich Nhat Hanh
in The long road turns to joy